Take it as you will.....

Monday, April 19, 2004

trip back

Well tonight, against my best wishes, I had to drive back to College Station. I usually hate that drive, but tonight it was especially good. On my way to Arlington I got a speeding ticket and so on the way back here I went the speed limit the whole way. Its relaxing to not have to worry about whether or not there is a cop over that hill or not. I also had my doggie with me and she slept the whole way with her head rested on my thigh, she is the cutiest (sorry, I have not met Delilah yet ;)). I also was listening to some wonderful music ranging from Jack Johnson and Ben Harper to Counting Crows and even all the way to Coheed and Cambria. The drive still only took me about two and a half hours, which was just about the perfect amount of time.

This summer I am going on a road trip. I cannot decide where I want to go, Southern Cali or up North to New York and the bigger cities up there. I also have not told anyone yet, so consider yourself told heh. I need someone or someones to go with me, any takers???

This weekend was EXACTLY what I needed. I got to spend time with my momma and dad, two of my favorite people in the whole world. My mom is the cutiest ever, I hope my wife is just like her. We got to spend soo much time together this weekend, I forget about all my problems when I am with her. My brother brought his girlfriend with him this weekend, and on saturday night we went to my family old stomping grounds, Khaki's. While we were eating, my family reminisced upon past times that we had together. Although it was more a time to share funny stories about each other rather that good times, but I soo enjoyed it. We pretty much let Leslie know all the bad things about my family :) I can't wait til I bring my girl home and we get to let her in on our family stories. Leslie and I also were unpacking boxes in our den and we came across all of our family pictures. I started to hide them from her because some of them are really imbarrasing. One is of me in a wet suit when I was little and it was about 5 sizes too small and I was 10 sizes too big. My momma says it is one of her favorite pics, but I hate it. I dont know why i went upon that tangent but i did and you got to read it :)

On saturday night Lindsay, Lindsey and Grant and I went out. I know I already covered this, but on my way home I was thinking.... The four of us were in downtown Fort Worth, but none of us live there. Grant lives in Austin, Lindsey in Tyler, Lindsay in Mesquite(not really but close enough ;)) and I in College Station. I dont know why that is pertinent, but I thought it to be interesting.

Well I just looked over to my DVD shelf and guess what. About 5 are missing, guess how many days I was gone.... 5!!!!!! Damn roommates (I hate to cuss, but it really pisses me off). That is one of my pet peaves.

To leave you tonight, I think Daryl Worley says it best "I miss my friend"



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