Take it as you will.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Is there anybody out there?

Two things tonight:

1) I'm not sure if anyone is reading this, and I'm not sure if I care, but I would like to know.

2) The President just got done talking to the nation about the 9/11 report. Im not so sure if there really is something wrong with America. I like George Bush, I think, however, his responses tonight to the questions from the news media where the same as he always gives; America is doing well, Iraq is free, Al Queda is losing, he did good with the situation at hand, etc. etc. etc. All that would be fine if it was the first time that i had heard it, but I hear it everytime he talks, and im starting to think that he does not know what he is doing, and that is more scary to me than Al Queda. Im not a democrat, i think that they are totally off basis, but maybe John Kerry could do good for the country. Im glad that the election is 7 months away because right now I have no idea who I would vote for. I do not know as much about Kerry as I would like to, but it would be very hard to do worse than i think Bush has done. someone change my mind.

I've added new movies to my DVD collection today (Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, School of Rock) I am going to watch them tonight to try to free my mind


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