Take it as you will.....

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Tuesday May 11, 2004

So i took my pre-test today.... i scored an 86. They told me that a score of 50 was good :-/ I would qualify for every computer job that I could want if....... I did not have to take fucking medicine for my fucking problems!!!!! why can't I be normal?? Thursday I am going to the doctor to see if I can get off of them.

I told my parents today. My dad had some concerns, but overall he said he would be proud. My mom, on the other hand, said she would go along with whatever I decide, but I can tell she would be very upset if I did.

I'm watching the movie Big Fish right now.... movies are just not as fun when you watch them alone. I have no one to discuss it with. So Daniel, what do you think about this part? Oh you do? I already knew that... blah blah blah

I am getting so sick and tired of burning movies, i think that i will stop for a lil while... but I will finish the few that I have started so far.

So this movie is getting better and better as it goes. It started off stupid, but there are some really good lines and points. I wanna get married, and have a white picket fence and a beautiful wife who loves me, WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?! please come find me! I need help, I need a change, I need to be done worrying and imagining. If things are meant to be, let them be, no more of this waiting game stuff, I'm too introverted to go meet people, she is going to have to come to me. I know its not typical, but that is how I will know she is the one....

I dont think its fair that I am not allowd to join because i have a thyroid problem. Why am I not allowd to serve my country?!?

Screw it, no sense in worrying about it, there is only one thing that can help me now, and that is God and if it is his will that I join, then I will. Please show me a sign!


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