Take it as you will.....

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Tuesday June 15, 2004

Today was a good day. I got up and worked for 5 hours and ran some errands for my dad. Momma, Lilly and I went to Costco and then we ate dinner. It was a nice quaint day, yet it was very fulfilling. Tonight I played poker and we did not play at my house (Finally!!). I enjoyed myself very much. I came home at 11, not because I am tired or because I have something very important to do, but just because I can. I don't like to be up and out til 5 in the morning eveynight, because then I want to sleep half the day the next day. When I sleep late nothing gets done and I feel very unproductive. And for the most part, whatever it is I do til that late really was not worth it in the long run. There are a few exceptions to that, but for the most part, it stands.

I miss some people today. I have not talked to Danielle in about a week and a half, I have not talked to Emily since we went to the movies a few weeks ago, I have not talked to Grant until this evening in a few days. I got invited to go to float the river in Austin this weekend. They are leaving Thursday and coming back Saturday. I would have gone, but my funds are limited and I think I am going to Houston next weekend, but I'm not sure about that :-/

It is a very hard realization to come to when you have 80 bucks of spending money for two weeks and father's day one of those 14 (15 til I get paid again). I want to get my dad something good and nice, but I just don't have the money. Maybe I will take him to go play golf up at Waterchase and get Brant's discount.

This fall is going to be good and bad for me. The good first because the way I see it is if your emotions are going to fluctuate from drastic ends, you might as well had be happy for a minute rather than sad for that same minute.
The Good: I will be working full time making good money and learning how to run a business. I will be learning from one of the best business men around. Just because we don't live in a huge house or drive really really nice cars does not mean that he does not make good money. Part of the responsibility of runnning a business is saving, and that could be one of his best aspects. Also, I will be back in school. I am going to make great grades this fall semester and get my head back into the right place. I am going to be ther for my sister as she gets older and becomes a little girl rather than a baby. I am going to have to meet new people since everyone else I know will be either going off to school again or have other plans. I think that off the top of my head I can name two people who will be here in the fall that I have hung out with this summer.
The Bad: I will be friend lacking for a while. I will have Lindsey, but she is looking for more, as am I. I want her to be happy and if that means that she has to spend alot of time with that someone else (I will not mention his name) then I want her to, she needs to look out for Lindsey now and not me. I will not have a life this fall. I am going to be working 60+ hours and going to school. The weekends will be mine to enjoy, that is if I am still alive by the time Saturday morning comes around. I will have a few things to look forward to, some really good concerts, starting my life, Lindsasy and I going to the beach, Lindsey and I going wherever she wants to, etc. I will still be living at home, which is good because I don't have to pay rent, but it would be nice to live on my own again.

Wow, the good actually is not outweighed by the bad. Well at least length wise its not. Content could be viewed either way. There are positives and negatives for both.

I am going to go lay down in my room and watch some TV for a lil while....


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