Take it as you will.....

Sunday, February 20, 2005

This weekend in College Station

So it's Sunday night and I am up at starbucks. Why do I always start a post with "so"? Anywho. This was one of the best weekends I have had in a LONG time. I left work Friday at 4:30 and headed down there. I hit some traffic on 35, but other than that, it was smooth sailing. Once I got there I went and had the keg filled and got myself a bottle of Crown. When I finally got to Landon's for good, the drinking started. Jordan and Leslie came over and we all had a good little talk. Jordan and I had a couple of glasses of Whiskey. It was nice. They are getting married on October 22. I am already planning the Bachelor party. But back to the weekend. Jordan and I were hungry so He, Leslie and I went to Antonio's at Northgate and got some dinner. Then we went to Kyoto's Bar. It was nice being 21 and going to the bar and ordering drinks. What was even better was buying drinks for my brother and Leslie. I feel so good when I do stuff like that for them. Then we went over to my old house for a lil bit and drank some more. Jordan had a bottle of Patron and I wanted to try it. I had two shots and chased them with some Bailey's Irish Creme. Sarah and I talked for a lil while, but now I really do not remember much of what we talked about. Maybe she will remind me ;) Then we went back up to Northgate to meet Tanner and Landon and everyone else. They decided they wanted to go back to landon's apt since they could not get into the bars. So we went back and did some more drinking off the Keg. Landon's roommate had people over until 3:30 and I was exhausted from working since 8 that morning. We got up Saturday morning and Zach and Ryan went to Austin to lease their apt. Landon, Tanner and I went to eat lunch with Landon's parents and then went shopping with them too. Then we drank off the keg some more and just chilled. We watched the All Star night with the 3 Point contest, dunk contest et. al It was amazing. Some of the dunks were the best I have seen in years. Leslie was not feeling good so Jordan came and hung out with us Saturday night. We went back up to Kyoto, but Jordan went home. Landon knew a guy who was there who knew the door guy, so we got in again. We spent nearly $200 between the 5 of us that night. That is all I can think of right now, but I am sure I will update it while I am at work tomorrow.



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