Take it as you will.....

Monday, April 26, 2004


So its monday and Im not feeling so good. Im laying in bed trying to sleep, and my phone rings. Its someone from work, and I can only assume that he wants me to work for him tonight. Well my days of picking up shifts are over, since when I need help, everyone tucks their tails and runs. It would have been no big deal but he called me once, and I ignored the call, and then immediately afterwards, he calls me again. If I did not answer the first time, why would I answer 2 seconds later? Just leave me a message and when I feel like, I will call you back. BUT, it did not stop there. It got to the 6th call in a row, and he finally left me a message. I checked it and it was just him sitting there, he did not say anything. I was pissed, so I shut off my phone, and missed two really important calls that I needed to get, but I was annoyed with the phone ringing every 3 seconds.

My last day at work will be next wednesday!!! im sooo excited. Arlington, HERE I COME!


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