Saturday May 22, 2004
Tonight was awesome. Graham Colton is teh win!!!!11 We left Grant's house at 630 (Grant, Evan, Landon and I) and were going fine til we hit the Ballpark traffic since the game had just gotten over. We thought, "Hey, its just a lil Ranger traffic, it wont last". Well that traffic lasted til just before loop 12 hit 30 and we saw an over-turned car that had the highway down to one lane. Once we passed that, we were smooth sailing...... for about a mile. We then hit more traffic, it turned out to be just a car that hit the gaurd, but they shut the whole highway down for this one :-/ The police directed everyone to the off ramp to a light and then let them get back on at the next entrance. They did not however have a cop patrolling that light, so it was running its normal course, with 4 lanes of IH 30 running to it. We were the 5th to last car to have to exist!! As soon as we effing got off, they opened the highway again. IT TOOK US 2 AND A HALF HOURS TO MAKE A 25 MINUTE TRIP!!! But the concert was freaking amazing. They did delay the show since most people who were coming to the show were coming from the way we did, which was nice.
When the show was over I talked to Lindsey. She was soo drunk that she could barely keep the conversation going. It turns out that she got totally wasted at my aunt's work party and then my aunt let her leave. I DO NOT APPRECIATE THAT!!! That is totally not acceptable, especially since Lindsey is.... 19 not 21. Terry should not have let her drink!! I'm sorry Lindsey if you like to drink, I am not coming down of you for that at all. But for my 48 year old aunt to let you drink at her party and know about it is unacceptable. Part of me wants to call her and ask her what the hell she was thinking, but I wont.
Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. My momma and I got her a custom Boyd's Bearâ„¢ that says Happy Birthday Lilly on it. We ordered it on Tuesday and paid for the second day service, but they say allow 24 hrs for processing, so that would mean that we would get it on Friday. Well, it did not show up, so Lilly does not get her present on her birthday!! I am pissed, that is not cool at all. We did the extra money we spent back, so that was good, but still she does not get her present on her birthday.
Tomorrow shall be intersting, we will see how it goes........................
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