Take it as you will.....

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Our Trip

So this weekend Landon, Tanner and I went to Lubbock. The drive was the best part. The three of us together is crazy, I would suggest avoiding it at all costs. We left friday @ 4 and headed down I-20. We stopped around Weatherford for the first bathroom and drink break. Then we headed out again. About an hour and a half later Landon had to go pee again. And I was not going to stop again until we got on 84. Landon would not wait, so he got in the back seat (traded spots with Tanner) and pissed into a freaking bottle. THEN to top that off, he did not want to hold the bottle, so he stuck it down in one of my shoes! "WTF mate?" The drive there took us around 5 hours. I drove most of the way, and Tanner finished it off for the last hour and a half.

Once we got there, the only people we knew down there were busy. We got really frustrated and really agitated as well. Finally we got a hold of Meredith (Landon's GF) and she was telling us how to get to her dorm. Well the phones in Lubbock suck, and like 2 minutes into a conversation, you lose the person you were talking to and get a bunch of reverb. So we lost her and could to get back with her. Then, like 15 seconds later, Brant calls me and we are talking and he is telling me how to get to her dorm. She told us to go University to Flint, and Brant told us to go 19th to Flint. Well Flint and University don't meet, so we finally find her dorm, and Kristin (the girl we are staying with) calls me. She said she would come meet us, but we were already up in Meredith's dorm room. So we were there for like 10 minutes and then Kristin got there. Tanner and I left and Landon stayed at Meredith's. OH, btw, Meredith's roommate is Ashley. Ashley had a little pink friend sitting on top of her dresser. You make up your own assumptions. Tanner and I follow Kristin back to her place, and find out that there is no beer, nothing to do, and no good looking girls! We end up watching a movie and going to sleep around 12:30. Tanner and I shared Kristin's bed.

Saturday we got up around 11 and called Landon to wake him up. He would not go eat with us, so Tanner and I went to Whataburgerâ„¢. Then we went back to Kristin's and finally got a hold of Landon. Then, Landon and Meredith were hungry. So, we went to Chili's. Landon, Meredith and Ashley went back to the dorms, and the rest of us went to Kristin's to watch the game and drink some beers. Brant came over and we watched the game. Good times, I miss that kid. Well come 6 the Texas game is on, and I really wanted to do something fun in Lubbock, because we did not drive 5 hours to watch TV. Secretly, I wanted to watch the game, and fortunately there was nothing to do. So I got to watch my game. I was excited. Now I was down for anything. We went to a pretty sweet party at this guy named Greg's place. There were amazing looking girls here. I met a guy who lives on my street here in Arlington. I really did not meet him persay, because I already knew him, but I had not seem him since Jr. High. The party was pretty sweet, but we were all tired, so we went back to Kristin's and passed out.

The best part of the trip was the ride home today. We were driving and got to Abiline, and I was tired of driving, so we pull over so Landon can drive. As we are driving we see these two drop dead gorgeous girls. Well Tanner decides its "moon time". So as we drive by, he moons them. We all have a good laugh, and then he puts his phone number up on the window and the called us. They called us, and apparently they go to Plano West. So we pass them and they pass us for a good while. Then they exited to get gas, so we went on our way. About an hour later, we see two hotter girls. At this point, Tanner is driving and landon is in the back. Landon decides he wants to moon them. So he does, but it was not a very good one. But I know I saw them laugh. So as they passed again, he did it again. That time we got the finger as they passed us in a hurry. Then we got home..... 4 hours, with stops.

We are like the best road-trippers I've ever seen.

- Daniel


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