Take it as you will.....

Monday, February 28, 2005

New Changes

After this past weekend I have made a revalation. I am going to turn my life around somewhat. I am going to take a break from drinking, try to stop cursing, quit smoking, and get my life back to a good direction. I am tired of living that life. It is unfulfilling and a waste of my life. If that is where you want to be, then that is your choice. However, I am going to do my best to quit all of the sinful things in my life. I met a girl that came over this weekend. She does not drink, smoke, curse and she still had a good time. I always knew that I could enjoy myself w/o those things, but after meeting her, she has made me want to do better with myself. Thinking back, I remember some nights that I was safe and sober driver. I had just as much fun w/o the nauseous feeling afterward. I have been running most morning for the past week or so. I really do not like to run. I would rather stab myself with a blunt object, but I need to lose some weight and get back into somewhat decent shape.
I am struggling at work lately because it seems like I am doing all of the work. My dad does not answer the phones and he is in his office all day. I never see what he is doing. He says that he is busy like hell, but I just do not see it. I realize that he owns the company, so he makes the rules. However, it does not seem right to me to be busting my butt making all the calls, answering the phones, doing the mail, etc. I guess that is motivation to run my own company eventually.
My jaw has been hurting for the past couple of days. I do not know what happened, but it is absolutely killing me. Hopefully in the next couple of days, it will feel better.
I am rambling on, I am sorry. I am just sitting here watching Jay Leno being bored. I am comtemplating going to sleep, but I really do not want to get off my couch.
Amy and I are doing Extreme Makeover Apartment Edition sometime this week. I am not exactly sure what we are going to do, but when its done, man oh man. Too bad a lot of people are not going to get to see it since a couple people were not responsible over the weekend and ruined it for everyone else. There are a couple of you that are still lucky though. You know who you are. But you can ask if you would like:)

Ok, I am going to sleep. Have fun all.

Remember, The difference between crack and cocaine is; cocaine is 2 years for a white man, crack is 8 years for a black man.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

This weekend in College Station

So it's Sunday night and I am up at starbucks. Why do I always start a post with "so"? Anywho. This was one of the best weekends I have had in a LONG time. I left work Friday at 4:30 and headed down there. I hit some traffic on 35, but other than that, it was smooth sailing. Once I got there I went and had the keg filled and got myself a bottle of Crown. When I finally got to Landon's for good, the drinking started. Jordan and Leslie came over and we all had a good little talk. Jordan and I had a couple of glasses of Whiskey. It was nice. They are getting married on October 22. I am already planning the Bachelor party. But back to the weekend. Jordan and I were hungry so He, Leslie and I went to Antonio's at Northgate and got some dinner. Then we went to Kyoto's Bar. It was nice being 21 and going to the bar and ordering drinks. What was even better was buying drinks for my brother and Leslie. I feel so good when I do stuff like that for them. Then we went over to my old house for a lil bit and drank some more. Jordan had a bottle of Patron and I wanted to try it. I had two shots and chased them with some Bailey's Irish Creme. Sarah and I talked for a lil while, but now I really do not remember much of what we talked about. Maybe she will remind me ;) Then we went back up to Northgate to meet Tanner and Landon and everyone else. They decided they wanted to go back to landon's apt since they could not get into the bars. So we went back and did some more drinking off the Keg. Landon's roommate had people over until 3:30 and I was exhausted from working since 8 that morning. We got up Saturday morning and Zach and Ryan went to Austin to lease their apt. Landon, Tanner and I went to eat lunch with Landon's parents and then went shopping with them too. Then we drank off the keg some more and just chilled. We watched the All Star night with the 3 Point contest, dunk contest et. al It was amazing. Some of the dunks were the best I have seen in years. Leslie was not feeling good so Jordan came and hung out with us Saturday night. We went back up to Kyoto, but Jordan went home. Landon knew a guy who was there who knew the door guy, so we got in again. We spent nearly $200 between the 5 of us that night. That is all I can think of right now, but I am sure I will update it while I am at work tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

So I have not written on this since my birthday, I guess its time to update.

Work is going well. I get commissions on all the scratch cards I sell. I sold 250 yesterday, which gets me about $65 extra. I really like my job now. My new office is muy excellente. It seems like I have a real job now that we finished the office out here.

School is also going well. I really understand both classes. I had a test in accounting on monday. I think I did better than I had planned.

Monday night after school, Katie and I went to get something to eat. We drove all of the way to Camp Bowie and 30 to get Double Dave's and some Peproni Rolls (peproni is supposed to be spelled like that btw). We got there at 8:59 and they closed at 9. We were so mad, especially since we drove 20 minutes to get out there. So we went to Freebirds instead. Then Tanner, Chris, Dustin and one of their friends came over to my apt and we watched a movie. Everyone left except the one kid I do not know left. So it was just me and him. Then he calls his girlfriend and she came over. I was falling asleep on my couch and they were going at it right next to me. They finally left at 3 in the morning and I had to get up for work at 6:30.

The phone just rang at work and it was the lady who ordered the 250 scratch cards from me. She had to change her order :( Now she is ordering..... 280 scratch cards!!! Gotcha!

I got my truck washed yesterday. It looks sooo good. LIKE NEW BITCHES!

Well on that note, I am going back to work.
