Take it as you will.....

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

complete and utter randomness

So im reading a new book called "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski. So far it is a really weird book, but what i have found the most curious is that at the beginning of every chapter, Danielewski quotes someone. I find this very interesing and I hope you do too, bc from now on, as i read on, you do too. Ha, your gonna read it and like it. :) :)

Chapter 1 - "I saw a film today, oh boy....."
- The Beatles

Chapter 2 - "The labour of men of genius, however erroneously directed, scarecly ever fail in ultimately turnig to the solid advantage of mankind"
- Mary Shelley

I just got off the phone with my mom, and she bought me a couch!!!!! and not just any couch, but my aunt susie had this really fluffy denim couch that i always loved and my mom bought it for me :):):):):):) i love my momma. now i just need to find a place to put it (AKA an apt) and someone to sit on it with me ;)

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Amy hit the atmosphere

Ok so I really like quotes, its my way of saying what i want to, but someone else has already said better.

"When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one that has been opened for us."
- Unknown

"We are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place. Our generation has had no Great Depression, no Great War. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives."
- Tyler Durden, "Fight Club"

ìIt is hard to stay mad when thereís so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like Iím seeing it all at once and itís too much. My heart fills up like a balloon thatís about to burst. And then I remember to relaxÖ and stop trying to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain, and I canít feel anything but gratitudeÖ for every single momentÖ of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I am talking about, Iím sure. But donít worry. You will somedayî
- American Beauty

"To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human."
- The Matrix

"I hate the way you talk to me,
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate the way you make me laugh,
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."
- Julia Styles "10 Things I Hate About You"

ìYou get what you put in, and people get what they deserve. ì
- Only God knows why, Kid Rock

"If I had just one wish, only one demand, I hope he's not like me. I hope he understands..."
- Creed, "With Arms Wide Open"

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time... It's just not worth it."
- Edward Furlong, "American History X

I ended up working an 11 hour day today at work. It pisses me off when I always work for someone if they need me to, and when I need someone to work for me, no one is in sight. I really wanted someone to work my friday night shift so I could go help my parents move some of their stuff. When I asked the guy that I ALWAYS (!!!!!!!) work for, he said that "he did not feel like it". WTF is that about? I worked extra hours today for his sorry a$$ and he will not even try to help me out? Thats so effing gay. Also, someone (one of my roommates) took my trashcan out of my room a long time ago and put it outside. Well ppl decided that it was a good place for cigarette butts and crap, so when I went out to get it the other day, the rain and trash mix made my trash can spell like, well trash, but not in a good way (heh). So I grabbed my trash can from the kitchen (we have two in there) and put it in my room. Everytime I come home, my bedroom door is open (I ALWAYS close it), and my trash can is gone and someone has borrowed one of my movies and not replaced it. Tonight it finally got to me and I just started to go off and who ever was at my house because im tired of ppl using my crap w/o asking. And if your going to, at least put it back so that I dont know that you did (I would prefer that they not, but if they feel like they have to). I think I need to start the "dont screw with my stuff" schpeel from the beginning, rather than letting it get me more and more pissed until I blow up.


last quote:
ìThe glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him with his friendship.î
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 29, 2004

Parting is such sweet Sorrow

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

im frustrated

Sunday, March 28, 2004


God show me the way because the devil is trying to break me down. The only thing that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now. And I don't think there is nothing I can do now to right my wrongs. I want to talk to God, but I'm afraid becuase we ain't spoke in so long.

To the hustlas, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
To the victims of Welfare for we living in hell here hell yeah
Now hear ye hear ye want to see Thee more clearly
I know he hear me when my feet get weary
Cuz we're the almost nearly extinct
We rappers are role models we rap we don't think
I ain't here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I'm just trying to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way yall need Jesus
So here go my single dog radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
Well let this take away from my spins
Which will probably take away from my ends
Then I hope this take away from my sins
And bring the day that I'm dreaming about
Next time I'm in the club everybody screaming out....

Holiday in Spain

Got no place to go
but there's a girl waiting for me down in Mexico
She's got a bottle of tequila, a bottle of gin
And if I bring a little music I can fit right in
We've got airplane rides
We got California drowning out the window side
We've got big black cars
And we've got stories how we slept with all the movie stars
I may take a holiday in Spain
Leave my wings behind me
Drink my worries down the drain
And fly away to somewhere new
Hop on my choo-choo
I'll be your engine driver in a bunny suit
If you dress me up in pink and white
We may be just a little fuzzy 'bout it later tonight
She's my angel
She's a little better than the one that used to be with me
Cause she liked to scream at me
Man, it's a miracle that she's not living up in a tree
I may take a holiday in Spain
Leave my wings behind me
Drive this little girl insane
And fly away to someone new
Everybody's gone
They left the television screaming that the radio's on
Someone stole my shoes
But there's a couple of bananas and a bottle of booze
Oh, well happy new year's baby
We could probably fix it if we clean it up all day
Or we could simply pack our bags
And catch a plane to Barcelona 'cause this city's a drag
I may take a holiday in Spain
Leave my wings behind me
Flush my worries down the drain
And fly away to somewhere new
Take a holiday in Spain
Leave my wings behind me
Drive this little girl insane
Fly away to someone new
Fly away to someone new
Fly away to someone new

"I did a bad bad thing"

So tonight at about 10 i realized that i could not sit at home again. For the past couple of weeks i have not had the urge to go out and do something at night. I have a problem (well I dont think it is a problem) that when I meet a new friend (especially a girl) all I want to do is talk to them. Well that is an over statement, but me being the melancholy person I am, think about others before myself. Well when I start thinking I think about what others are doing. I could not spend the night tonight doing that, so I went out. I went to a friends house, who just happened to have two kegs and two bottles of Rum. In the past few weeks, its not that i quit drinking, but i just did not put my self in the situation to where i could. I told them that I would have one beer, and then just hang out for a while. Well that one beer turned into quite a few along with some shots. Needless to say, I was under the influence for a while. I HATE that. I do not like it when I drink, and I do not like who I am when I drink. I would not go as far as to say that I have a problem with drinking, bc if I really wanted to quit i know i could, but right now i dont want to drink, but i still do. I need to get out of College Station where it is so prevelant.

Before I went to that friends house, i went to another one's, who was having a BBQ. I had forgotten that he had invited me, and when i called him tonight he was wondering where i was. I got there and realized that i had just eaton, but it smelled so good that i had to have a lil bit of sausage. I HATE that too. Food has more power with me than alcohol does. Even if i am not hungry, i will eat if it smells good or food is around me. That caused me to gain alot of weight back in the day, and i worked really hard to lose it. Last Christmas i weighed the least amount i had weighed in years, but when Lindsay and i went our seperate ways, i gained it back. Now that I joined a gym, I am tyring to run and work out as much as possible. Tonight after I got done running, i went to my friends house, and I was really not hungry, and i had told myself that I was not hungry, and that I was working out to loose weight. Well when i got there i had some sausage, which was not bad, but when i got to the other house, i had some pizza. The pizza was soo not good for me, and i knew it, but i could not help myself.

After i left the second house, i went up to northgate to meet my friend landon. When i got there i saw him and about 8 other guys surrounding 3 girls, who were not even that good looking anyways. I found this to me hilarious. 9 guys and 3 girls, good odds for the girls huh? Im not sure why i put that in there, but it was just something that i found interesting and i have noticed alot with guys and girls. Why can't it ever be 3 guys and 9 hot girls? now that would be good odds for us right!

I have been thinking about the Peters family alot lately. Moving back to Arlington reminds me of the times that i spent with that family, and how much i miss them. Mrs. Peters was like a mom to me, when my mom was in Tyler. Mr. Peters bought me dinner and took me to play golf quite a few times. Katy was like the little sister i never had. I always wanted a little sister that i could protect and she fit the part perfectly. The only problem that I have is that Lindsay and I do not talk anymore, and I dont want to start a problem between her family and her over something so insignificant as me. I really do miss her and i wish we could be friends again, but im not sure if the opportunity arrouse, that I would do it again. We had quite a lot of good times, and she was the first girl that I ever really loved, besides my mom. But she broke my heart and it is hard to forgive something like that. I would really just like to see her and to know what she is feeling.

Tonight im going to sleep alone, and i dont want that to come off wrong. I dont want to "sleep" with anyone, well not till i get married anyway. But i like it when ppl spend the night, and we cuddle. That is one of my most favorite things in the world, nothing has to happen as long as we lay there next to each other in total harmony.

I leave you with that tonight, I am watching Blow and im tired.

send me an email if you would like too, Liebs911@yahoo.com

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Think about it

Thoughts to Ponder for the day:
- If you had only one phone call to make before you died, who would you call? and what are you waiting for?
- Why is the best was to get things done is to do it yourself?
- In a world w/o fences or walls, who needs Windows or Gates?
- At P.C. world all the computers are white. What's P.C. about that?
- Why is it that when we are driving and looking for an address, we turn the volume of the radio down?
- Would the easiest way of becominng wise, be becomming stupid and doing the opposite?
- Would an agnostic dyslexic insomniac lie awake all night wondering if there really is a dog?
- When sign makers go on strike, do they write anything on their picket signs?
- Isn't it a bit unnerving that Doctors call what they do a 'practice'?
- If the police arrested a mime, would they have to tell him he had the right to silence?
- Why does an alarm clock 'go off' when it starts ringing?
- Why does your nose only itch when your hands are full?
- When using your computer, why does it never say "Good command" or "Excellent file name"?
- In an athiest hotel, is there a meaningless void in the bedside cabinet instead of a bible?

I think that is enough for now. I will post later with my thoughts, im not sure what they are right now.


This posting could get outta hand really quick, everytime i get on i want to write something new. I have to keep somethings for me, right?


Today started off one the be best days I have had in a long time. I woke up and checked my computer for emails, and got an instant message from Lindsay. We talked for the better part of the day until i had to go to work at 5. I think we are gonna be really good friends.

Work was good until about 6:27 when the Texas game tipped off and it all went downhill from there. I LOVE UT Basketball and I really thought they had a shot at winning the tournament this year. Well after that, I was in a really bad mood and everyone I was working with was stearing clear of me (since I was in charge). Then 5 minutes before we closed at midnight, someone called and orderd the three messiest items we have on our menu and wanted me to deliver them. WHERE THEY NUTS?? But since I cannot tell them no, I made the order and sent it out, which made me get out of work 30 minutes late, and I was really tired. Lindsay had told me about a movie called 21 Grams, that was one of her favs, and she said I needed to see it.

On my way home I stopped at BlockBuster and rented it, and Im burning it now so I can watch it in a lil while. I watched the preview and it looked really good.

My brother has a new GF who is here ALL the time. When i wake up her car is outside, and when i come home from work, her care is outside, when i go out and come back, her car is outside. She is here more than I am. She is a really nice person, but when her and my brother get together they are really loud and touchy feely which reminds me that I have no one to be touchy feely with and that drives me more crazy than her being here all the time.

I am moving to Arlington again in May and I could not be any more happy. The only bad part is that if I get an apt i need to leave my doggy here since its not fair to her to be in an apt. Im gonna miss her. Maybe i can find someone who wants to share a house and i can still keep her.

Im getting alot out since this is my first post and I have alot to say. Im not sure how many people are gonna get to read this though, since i made it a "private" post :-/ O well, at least i know that its out there if someone wanted to and it lets me get some crap off my chest.

The biggest thing going on in my life right now is my parents adopting my lil sister. My sister (from here on out referred to by her name, heh, Lilly) is my Aunt Connie's daughter, but Connie is really irresponsible and cannot manage to keep her child safe. The story goes that Her ex-husband (thats #8 for any who care) got her pregnant and then when my "sister" was 3 months old, beat her and my aunt and put them both in the hospital. That night I was working when I got a phone call from my mom and she was crying. The one thing in my life that I will not even begin to tolerate is someone making my mom cry. She told me that Stephen (the ex) had beaten Connie and Lilly and that they were in the hospital. I drove back to work (i was on a delivery) and told my boss that I had to go, and i drove straight to Tyler. I did not go home and get any clothes or a toothbrush or anything. The 3 hour drive took me a lil over an hr to get there. Well a few months past with connie effing up and the state took Lilly and put her in my parents custody. Last wednesday, CPS told connie that they were moving to have Lilly removed from her and given to my parents for good. I could not be any happier, I have always wanted a lil sister. Im gonna be that cool older brother, but also the one that will not put up with any boys who try to mess with her :)

Thats all i can think of to write right now, and my movie is done burning so im gonna watch it, but i am going to leave you with a quote from one of my fav songs......

"in your last hour stand
you'll notice the one that you had loved and dreams is here among the others
chase it's you I want but if I can't have her
then why should I spend any more time in a world that's going to end pretty soon?
I need you now more than I ever did
I'll hand myself over for you
this comlink's lost its frequency and I feel that we're coming home short
here take me instead I'd rather not see her off alone"

- Coheed and Cambria - "Cuts Marked In The March Of Men"

Ok so sorry about the double post, my internet sucks here and i did not realize that it had posted already before i posted it again.

So last night (I like it how people start paragrapsh with so, like they are picking up from where they left off, but never started in the beginning :-/) at about 3:30 i was about to finish my movie 21 Grams (more on that later) and i went to empty my pockets bc i was uncomfortable, and i noticed that i had one of the drivers money bags in my pocket with their money in it. I figured that I would go up to work and go in, unset the alarm, and just put it in the safe and no one would know the difference. Well to bring everyone up to date, a couple of weeks ago we had someone break into our store and steal a whole bunch of our money. Well when i got up to my store, i looked inside and my paranoia kicks in and i think, "what if there is someone inside and I go inside and open a freaking safe with a whole lot of money in it?" So i turn around and come home and finally end up goin to sleep at 5 :( Well i had to have the money bag back by 10 this morning so my manager could take it to the bank, so i get 4 and a half hours of sleep last night.

I watched 21 Grams last night due to the suggestions of Lindsay. It was a really good movie, slow at first, but once i started to realize what was happening, i could not shut it off.
"The Earth turned to bring us closer, it turned on itself and us until it finally brought us together in this dream."

For some reason I told one of the drivers that i would work their shift today. I am NOT a delivery driver, I do NOT know where I am going, I am gonna do soo bad today. Im nervous like I am starting a new job, when I am only working a two hour shift. O well, Ill get over it.

I was talking to one of the guys I work with last night and he was telling me a story and it started..."When I was younger I......" EVERY story is of you when you were younger. I told him that I was not impressed with the "When I was younger" speal, now if he had told me a story that started "When I was older...." I would have been impressed.

A couple of days ago a friend and I went to Chick-fil-a to get something to eat, and when I ordered, the lady offered to value size it (or whatever they do at chick-fil-a), and I told her yes. This seems like a simple stupid story and I bet your wondering, "where could he be going with this." But i realized then that i did not want the value size, but since it was offered than i would accept it. This brought upon my new philosphy on fast food.... "If a value size is offered I will accept it, but I will not ask for it."

Well I leave you with these little known facts: I am the one who let the dogs out, Society is much better off with Clay Aiken not invincible, Stella never got her groove back in the first place, and My milkshake is def. better than yours.

Ok so sorry about the double post, my internet sucks here and i did not realize that it had posted already before i posted it again.

So last night (I like it how people start paragrapsh with so, like they are picking up from where they left off, but never started in the beginning :-/) at about 3:30 i was about to finish my movie 21 Grams (more on that later) and i went to empty my pockets bc i was uncomfortable, and i noticed that i had one of the drivers money bags in my pocket with their money in it. I figured that I would go up to work and go in, unset the alarm, and just put it in the safe and no one would know the difference. Well to bring everyone up to date, a couple of weeks ago we had someone break into our store and steal a whole bunch of our money. Well when i got up to my store, i looked inside and my paranoia kicks in and i think, "what if there is someone inside and I go inside and open a freaking safe with a whole lot of money in it?" So i turn around and come home and finally end up goin to sleep at 5 :( Well i had to have the money bag back by 10 this morning so my manager could take it to the bank, so i get 4 and a half hours of sleep last night.

I watched 21 Grams last night due to the suggestions of Lindsay. It was a really good movie, slow at first, but once i started to realize what was happening, i could not shut it off.
"The Earth turned to bring us closer, it turned on itself and us until it finally brought us together in this dream."

For some reason I told one of the drivers that i would work their shift today. I am NOT a delivery driver, I do NOT know where I am going, I am gonna do soo bad today. Im nervous like I am starting a new job, when I am only working a two hour shift. O well, Ill get over it.

I was talking to one of the guys I work with last night and he was telling me a story and it started..."When I was younger I......" EVERY story is of you when you were younger. I told him that I was not impressed with the "When I was younger" speal, now if he had told me a story that started "When I was older...." I would have been impressed.

A couple of days ago a friend and I went to Chick-fil-a to get something to eat, and when I ordered, the lady offered to value size it (or whatever they do at chick-fil-a), and I told her yes. This seems like a simple stupid story and I bet your wondering, "where could he be going with this." But i realized then that i did not want the value size, but since it was offered than i would accept it. This brought upon my new philosphy on fast food.... "If a value size is offered I will accept it, but I will not ask for it."

Well I leave you with these little known facts: I am the one who let the dogs out, Society is much better off with Clay Aiken not invincible, Stella never got her groove back in the first place, and My milkshake is def. better than yours.

Friday, March 26, 2004


Today started off one the be best days I have had in a long time. I woke up and checked my computer for emails, and got an instant message from Lindsay. We talked for the better part of the day until i had to go to work at 5. I think we are gonna be really good friends.

Work was good until about 6:27 when the Texas game tipped off and it all went downhill from there. I LOVE UT Basketball and I really thought they had a shot at winning the tournament this year. Well after that, I was in a really bad mood and everyone I was working with was stearing clear of me (since I was in charge). Then 5 minutes before we closed at midnight, someone called and orderd the three messiest items we have on our menu and wanted me to deliver them. WHERE THEY NUTS?? But since I cannot tell them no, I made the order and sent it out, which made me get out of work 30 minutes late, and I was really tired. Lindsay had told me about a movie called 21 Grams, that was one of her favs, and she said I needed to see it.

On my way home I stopped at BlockBuster and rented it, and Im burning it now so I can watch it in a lil while. I watched the preview and it looked really good.

My brother has a new GF who is here ALL the time. When i wake up her car is outside, and when i come home from work, her care is outside, when i go out and come back, her car is outside. She is here more than I am. She is a really nice person, but when her and my brother get together they are really loud and touchy feely which reminds me that I have no one to be touchy feely with and that drives me more crazy than her being here all the time.

I am moving to Arlington again in May and I could not be any more happy. The only bad part is that if I get an apt i need to leave my doggy here since its not fair to her to be in an apt. Im gonna miss her. Maybe i can find someone who wants to share a house and i can still keep her.

Im getting alot out since this is my first post and I have alot to say. Im not sure how many people are gonna get to read this though, since i made it a "private" post :-/ O well, at least i know that its out there if someone wanted to and it lets me get some crap off my chest.

The biggest thing going on in my life right now is my parents adopting my lil sister. My sister (from here on out referred to by her name, heh, Lilly) is my Aunt Connie's daughter, but Connie is really irresponsible and cannot manage to keep her child safe. The story goes that Her ex-husband (thats #8 for any who care) got her pregnant and then when my "sister" was 3 months old, beat her and my aunt and put them both in the hospital. That night I was working when I got a phone call from my mom and she was crying. The one thing in my life that I will not even begin to tolerate is someone making my mom cry. She told me that Stephen (the ex) had beaten Connie and Lilly and that they were in the hospital. I drove back to work (i was on a delivery) and told my boss that I had to go, and i drove straight to Tyler. I did not go home and get any clothes or a toothbrush or anything. The 3 hour drive took me a lil over an hr to get there. Well a few months past with connie effing up and the state took Lilly and put her in my parents custody. Last wednesday, CPS told connie that they were moving to have Lilly removed from her and given to my parents for good. I could not be any happier, I have always wanted a lil sister. Im gonna be that cool older brother, but also the one that will not put up with any boys who try to mess with her :)

Thats all i can think of to write right now, and my movie is done burning so im gonna watch it, but i am going to leave you with a quote from one of my fav songs......

"in your last hour stand
you'll notice the one that you had loved and dreams is here among the others
chase it's you I want but if I can't have her
then why should I spend any more time in a world that's going to end pretty soon?
I need you now more than I ever did
I'll hand myself over for you
this comlink's lost its frequency and I feel that we're coming home short
here take me instead I'd rather not see her off alone"

- Coheed and Cambria - "Cuts Marked In The March Of Men"


Today started off one the be best days I have had in a long time. I woke up and checked my computer for emails, and got an instant message from Lindsay. We talked for the better part of the day until i had to go to work at 5. I think we are gonna be really good friends.

Work was good until about 6:27 when the Texas game tipped off and it all went downhill from there. I LOVE UT Basketball and I really thought they had a shot at winning the tournament this year. Well after that, I was in a really bad mood and everyone I was working with was stearing clear of me (since I was in charge). Then 5 minutes before we closed at midnight, someone called and orderd the three messiest items we have on our menu and wanted me to deliver them. WHERE THEY NUTS?? But since I cannot tell them no, I made the order and sent it out, which made me get out of work 30 minutes late, and I was really tired. Lindsay had told me about a movie called 21 Grams, that was one of her favs, and she said I needed to see it.

On my way home I stopped at BlockBuster and rented it, and Im burning it now so I can watch it in a lil while. I watched the preview and it looked really good.

My brother has a new GF who is here ALL the time. When i wake up her car is outside, and when i come home from work, her care is outside, when i go out and come back, her car is outside. She is here more than I am. She is a really nice person, but when her and my brother get together they are really loud and touchy feely which reminds me that I have no one to be touchy feely with and that drives me more crazy than her being here all the time.

I am moving to Arlington again in May and I could not be any more happy. The only bad part is that if I get an apt i need to leave my doggy here since its not fair to her to be in an apt. Im gonna miss her. Maybe i can find someone who wants to share a house and i can still keep her.

Im getting alot out since this is my first post and I have alot to say. Im not sure how many people are gonna get to read this though, since i made it a "private" post :-/ O well, at least i know that its out there if someone wanted to and it lets me get some crap off my chest.

The biggest thing going on in my life right now is my parents adopting my lil sister. My sister (from here on out referred to by her name, heh, Lilly) is my Aunt Connie's daughter, but Connie is really irresponsible and cannot manage to keep her child safe. The story goes that Her ex-husband (thats #8 for any who care) got her pregnant and then when my "sister" was 3 months old, beat her and my aunt and put them both in the hospital. That night I was working when I got a phone call from my mom and she was crying. The one thing in my life that I will not even begin to tolerate is someone making my mom cry. She told me that Stephen (the ex) had beaten Connie and Lilly and that they were in the hospital. I drove back to work (i was on a delivery) and told my boss that I had to go, and i drove straight to Tyler. I did not go home and get any clothes or a toothbrush or anything. The 3 hour drive took me a lil over an hr to get there. Well a few months past with connie effing up and the state took Lilly and put her in my parents custody. Last wednesday, CPS told connie that they were moving to have Lilly removed from her and given to my parents for good. I could not be any happier, I have always wanted a lil sister. Im gonna be that cool older brother, but also the one that will not put up with any boys who try to mess with her :)

Thats all i can think of to write right now, and my movie is done burning so im gonna watch it, but i am going to leave you with a quote from one of my fav songs......

"in your last hour stand
you'll notice the one that you had loved and dreams is here among the others
chase it's you I want but if I can't have her
then why should I spend any more time in a world that's going to end pretty soon?
I need you now more than I ever did
I'll hand myself over for you
this comlink's lost its frequency and I feel that we're coming home short
here take me instead I'd rather not see her off alone"

- Coheed and Cambria - "Cuts Marked In The March Of Men"